If you’re not living on the edge…
I try not to send out too many messages, but what is the point of asking you to pray for Melodee’s citizenship request if I don’t tell you how it went?
My Dad is very quotable…and he sums uf our life perfectly when he says: “If you’re not living on the edge, you’re taking up too much space!”
In this case, the edge was the deadline for getting Melodee’s citizenship request sent out before the “apostilled” documents ran out this weekend.
Would you believe it if I told you that Friday we were able to finally get the request through with less than an hour to spare?
If God was wanting to get us praying and to convince us that He did it, not us… I would say that He succeeded!
Now we await to see if the request was approved this time!
Three more exciting things to share:
- Yesterday, I began preaching through the Sermon on the Mount by preaching the…Sermon on the Mount! After a brief explanation and introduction, I read through the Sermon on the Mount as if it were one of my manuscripted sermons. It was fun and challenging! Pray for God’s Word to change lives!
- We are stilling being asked for Bible calendars, even from strangers! Today the owner of the coffee shop I go to asked for one for a friend of his! Pray for the seeds sown!
- In less than two weeks, we will have with us an intern for two months from the US. Pray for Cassandra!

This was just too cute to pass up…
Tomorrow it’s make it or break it!
There’s no tomorrow except… tomorrow…at least for Melodee’s citizenship papers.
You have been so patient with us and faithful in praying with and for us, so how could I not bring you along on yet another leg of this adventure?
Here’s the scoop: We are in one of those make it or break it situations.
We have handed the papers Melodee worked on in America to the lawyer, she had them translated and sworn in, in front of a judge.
Tomorrow at 10 AM our time (4 Am EST) we turn them with the lawyer online.
Melodee’s other documents run out on January 11th, so there can be no retries after tomorrow!
Right now Melodee is meticulously gathering the list of places and dates she lived for her whole like…which, being a pastor’s kid…is a lot!
A lot can go poorly still, but also, everything can work out if God wants it to work out.
Sometimes it can be hard to expect a happy ending when we have had our full of big little challenges…but God has brought us thus far, so we must lean on Him even more! For His glory!
Would you pray?
Psalm 28:7 The Lord is my strength and my shield; in him my heart trusts, and I am helped; my heart exults, and with my song I give thanks to him.
Melodee is home! Praise God!
You prayed, and prayed and prayed some more…
And at 11 AM this morning, Melodee arrived home!
So many things in this trip point to the grace and power of God through the praying of His people.
What more can I say? Melodee is home for Christmas!
Merry Christmas!
Mission Accomplished!
Just a quick note to tell you that the great state of Michigan came through for us yesterday, and Lord willing Thursday evening Melodee will be flying back to Italy!
Hopefully we will be able to re-apply for citizenship by the end of the year!
Thank you so much for being with us on this journey and for putting up with the extra e-mails!
I will not write Merry Christmas yet because I hope to say with a picture of ALL OF US TOGETHER!!
Today could very likely be the day!
I just wanted to share with you that God is answering our prayers!

Eva waiting for Mommy!
Melodee called the Background Check People (BCP) in Lansing, and at first they said that it would not be ready before her departure date, but when she explained her urgency of coming home for Christmas, they went out of their way for her!
They have it all signed and ready to go!
This morning she will be driving from Ohio to Michigan to pick it up, and then she has an appointment 20 minutes away to have it legalized so that she will have what she needs to come back to Italy!
That means that, Lord willing, she will have the documents with a day to spare!
Praise God, from whom all blessings flow!